Saturday, January 19, 2008

Ventes privées

The ventes privées business is a private club or store online like an online shop where only people who are registered as members could have access to the site and buy well-known brand products like clothing, jewels, high-tech, toys and various accessories at a very attractive prices (between 30 to 70% discount) compared to "real and traditional shops".
The only inconvenient is that those sales are limited on time (from 3 to 4 days) and customers must rush if they really want the product.
They are informed by mail to know the date and time when the sales will start.

It's a very interesting concept for people who like clothes and considered as "fashion victim" because they can have some items they wouldn't have been able to afford without this system.For mass market they feel comforted and can buy the same brand as if they were richer so it's a mean of feeling recognised and better. Moreover it's a gain of time for those who don't have time to go shopping and it's a kind of super sales period during all the year!!!!
It's for people who like bargains and been well-dressed.
Concerning the suppliers they can run out of their stock easily and partners and owners make profit due to the rapidity of sales and notoriety of the system.They have the possibility to sell items they would have lost in stores.For everybody it's a gain of time and money...

Revenue sources : (click on the title ventes privées)

The competitors sites are:

The ventes privées model is a better way to sell online because people don't have to move from their house and it's economic because owners of the business only use the net and e-mail adress as advertising whereas they would have need paper tracks and someone to distribute them in a real shop .On the other hand the stores already exist offline but it's messy and you don't really know what you will find and usually they don't have enough sizes to satisfy everybody.

In my opinion this model is sustainable and in expansion because it's a way to facilitate life as well as saving money and our world tend to become an "online world" where everything goes faster and faster and where people would'nt waste time in shops.

If I owned the business I would increase users of customers by rewarding members which parrain new members and extend the market through international market and new brands not well known but in development.


Blogger eac said...

Ah, still the link problem...your work has progressed, bravo. Push your thinking on revenue sources and future growth.

Could VP be used as market research for luxury/design creators?

3:15 AM  

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