Wednesday, February 13, 2008
According to me this trend is a shift and will grow more and more in the future because when you see all the benefits listed in the link above your first question is to ask : why this trade exists only nowadays and not before because it is benefic for everybody and positive.People are aware now and lots of campains are in favor of this fair trade, if we could have realized this before our planet would have been in a better state and people would have lived in better conditions.
Fair trade

This link is an example of the fair trade concerning coffee product.If we all get involved in that trade we could help million of people by buying only their product which are certified by the logo fair trade in order to help those workers get paid and contribute to a better world.
Another example is the shop "body shop" which is well concerned by this concept.All their product are not tested on animals that means consumers who buy them are considered as "ethical consumers" and protect animals against suffering.They also sell special bags at 4€ made of special recyclable material in order to help fighting against children labour.For each bag sold a few anount is transfered to an association who fight for children rights.
Fair trade site
Fair trade is a commercial partnership which aim is to contribute helping developing countries and fighting against poverty by buying products which are participating to this trade.It is a way to developp the autonomy of workers and help producers which are handicapped by the system of the conventional trade.
This partenariat follows several principles such as equality between men and women, prohibition of children's labour and environmental respect.
Buying fair trade certified products helps make the word a better place by paying farmers and workers in developing countries a fair price.
This trade is influencing the business in a way that people are more aware of the problem of inequality and they tend to become more and more ethical in their consumption.They realize the danger that our planet incurred if we don't do anything to change the things and become righter.The first step is to become first an ethical consumer which means changing our habbits by buying positively supporting ethical products, fair trade, recycled products and local production.
Ethical consumption means moral behavior by consuming only what is ethically made without human exploitation, without experiments on live animals and by respecting our environment.
Ethical consumption stresses the role of the consumer by giving him the power of his purchases and at the same time making him realize that he can be a direct actor and have an impact on the economy and help contribute to the safety of our planet.In that way it contributes to influence the business because people who are purchasing goods pay attention now of what they buy and if it in an ethical way.
This mode of consumption is part of the different means of prevention that could help save our planet or at least delay its destruction and it makes people think about human values.
Labels: riat
Saturday, February 09, 2008
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Innocentive is an open innovation community, a concept founded in 2001 in order to associate various companies with an only aim is to join together different "brains" to create new challenge and find innovative ideas and solutions.It's an online open marketplace and it is the leader in prize-based open innovation sourcing.
The fields of search as based in the sectors of :
Business and entrepreneurship
Engineering & design
Life sciences
The seekers who are people belonging to a company in the field posted above post their challenge and problem via the website and solvers which could be every kind of people just like you and me (they just have to register before) must find a solution in an assigned time before the dead line.Then for the best solution researcher, a cash reward will be given.
This strategy is very promising because it gives the opportunity to everybody to become a genius and show their talent and moroever that contributes to help research and development.Everybody who have a great idea and need someone to develop it and in order to market it can apply on the site.
In my opinion this model is unique to the web and is sustainable because research and development constantly need new brains and ideas to develop their companies and create new concept.Moreover there are more than 125 000 members in more than 175 countries therefore the expansion is growing very fast.It's an easy way to recolt informations and new datas.
By the same occasion, companies are recognized through this web site and it's a kind of publicity for them to be more known.
Nowadays you can collect many informations via the web and it's a very good mean to increase revenues for firms and associates ideas.
Customers could be ordinary people like you and me, it could be everybody (commercial, government, non-profit organization, students...) who is just looking for challenge and money.
Anyone can sign up to be a solver.It's an interesting way to earn money as a "freelance"scientist or virtual business.Innovative solvers are people with skills and expertise in their area and want to participate in the elaboration of changing the world for better, people who feel concerned about the development of our planet.
The problem solve for customer is that they can express their idea whithout having the need to belong to a specific company of R&D.They have the possibility to feel recognized and developed even if they don't work.That give them a certain value and professionnal recognition.
They can also belong to a company and find an agreement with their boss and signed a confidentiality contract.
Partners and owners of the business can find solutions to their problem unsolved so it's a great deal because they can be more innovative and lauch new search.They want people to be aware of the numerous efforts they make in searching progress to make our lives more confortable.There are already many people registered and there will be more and more in the future.That generates more revenue to the company and new companies can access to this kind of process and participate in order to increase the search and development.
Competitors are :
If I owned the business I would increase users of customers by rewarding directly companies who are registered it could make more companies applying to this business and with all the great ideas listed generate more revenue.
According to me industries which could benefit from open innovation R & D could be all kind of companies which are not able to resolve a problem on their own and need external help but as an example I would say laboratories research or pharmaceutical environment.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Definition of social entrepreneur :
A social entrepreneur is a leader who have for mission to change society for the better and consequently always come with new and great ideas.He is an innovative person who fight for human rights and equality.
In my opinion this concept of social entrepreneur is a real shift for corporate responsibility because corporate used to work hardly without regarding social problems, they don't really care about others the only thing they care about is the business and profit.
For them problems musn't be told at work and employees must work hard and just look at the well being of the venture and not themselves.
With the emergence of this concept of social entrepreneur firms must take into account the differences and must adapt and be more human. In that context they could be affraid of a too much "socialism" and not enough work and sales turnover.....
Ventes privées
The ventes privées business is a private club or store online like an online shop where only people who are registered as members could have access to the site and buy well-known brand products like clothing, jewels, high-tech, toys and various accessories at a very attractive prices (between 30 to 70% discount) compared to "real and traditional shops".
The only inconvenient is that those sales are limited on time (from 3 to 4 days) and customers must rush if they really want the product.
They are informed by mail to know the date and time when the sales will start.
It's a very interesting concept for people who like clothes and considered as "fashion victim" because they can have some items they wouldn't have been able to afford without this system.For mass market they feel comforted and can buy the same brand as if they were richer so it's a mean of feeling recognised and better. Moreover it's a gain of time for those who don't have time to go shopping and it's a kind of super sales period during all the year!!!!
It's for people who like bargains and been well-dressed.
Concerning the suppliers they can run out of their stock easily and partners and owners make profit due to the rapidity of sales and notoriety of the system.They have the possibility to sell items they would have lost in stores.For everybody it's a gain of time and money...
Revenue sources : (click on the title ventes privées)
The competitors sites are:
The ventes privées model is a better way to sell online because people don't have to move from their house and it's economic because owners of the business only use the net and e-mail adress as advertising whereas they would have need paper tracks and someone to distribute them in a real shop .On the other hand the stores already exist offline but it's messy and you don't really know what you will find and usually they don't have enough sizes to satisfy everybody.
In my opinion this model is sustainable and in expansion because it's a way to facilitate life as well as saving money and our world tend to become an "online world" where everything goes faster and faster and where people would'nt waste time in shops.
If I owned the business I would increase users of customers by rewarding members which parrain new members and extend the market through international market and new brands not well known but in development.
The competitors sites are:
The ventes privées model is a better way to sell online because people don't have to move from their house and it's economic because owners of the business only use the net and e-mail adress as advertising whereas they would have need paper tracks and someone to distribute them in a real shop .On the other hand the stores already exist offline but it's messy and you don't really know what you will find and usually they don't have enough sizes to satisfy everybody.
In my opinion this model is sustainable and in expansion because it's a way to facilitate life as well as saving money and our world tend to become an "online world" where everything goes faster and faster and where people would'nt waste time in shops.
If I owned the business I would increase users of customers by rewarding members which parrain new members and extend the market through international market and new brands not well known but in development.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Monday, January 07, 2008
Easy group
Business Model Evaluation Easy Group
This work was done in cooperation with Vishnevetskaya Alina. We were working together whole the week-end on other projects, so we have done this together too.
Please see the screen shot on Alina's page as we had problems in downloading images.
1. Easy Group founded was by Stellios, Greek businessman. His first brand was EasyJet, cheap flights. Then he expanded into other industries: cruises, cars, buses, pizzas, internet café, cinemas…etc, based on the same low-cost concept, making the products no-frill, cheap, available for the masses. In other business the customers are being ripped off. ‘It’s about value for the many, not the few’. Easy companies are based on the principles of the yield management, where customer pays less the further in advance they buy. Wikipedia gives the links to all the brands. We have also used the links that gives Wikipedia to the articles and the last year’s article “There could be a fight”
2. Customers can save their money and get the products that were before unaffordable for some of them. It gives more choice, some of them just don’t need the additional frills to the services, and they prefer to economize. It gives them the value, they feel respected and understood. As Stellios uses the same services, they don’t feel like the company is above them. In general he lowers the prices of the industries.
Suppliers benefit from the success of the company and increase their turnover.
Partners see more possibilities in developing their business and use the name of Easy to attract the customers. The number of customers increases and they can reach other social levels of people than they are used to.
For the owner of the business the comprehensive low-cost structure and internet booking helps to develop the business and assures the healthy profit margins. The company is one of a kind it’s a leader in low-cost sector and can compete with the real industry giants and conduct the price wars. They challenge the price elasticity.
3. Easy Group customers is the mass market, they are price-sensitive. They prefer to buy in advance to pay less. They are not concerned by the frills of the product, what they need is just the core product, no additional fees.
4. Having the low-cost structure plus increasing the volume of sales by proposing low prices helps in generating the healthy profit. The planes are fully booked, the pizza oven are operational over 50 percent of the time, and so on. They have less expenditure in staff and distribution as they sell generally online, product is really basic. The scandal makes the buzz, quite often contributes to good image, so promotional costs are reduced too.
5. In the airline business there are more and more direct competitors, amongst them:
Sky Europe
6. To ensure the low-cost structure the most of the business should be on the Net.
7. We think that in the middle term the model will be of a success, for the moment it’s the turnover is increasing. This is true for some industries, like airline, busses, cruises, cars. For new industries where Easy Group enter even Stelios is not really sure which one will work out.
8. If we owned the business we would have create more of the partnerships. We would have proposed a package of services like Easy Jet+Hotel+Car and create like Easy Voyage. We would have also promoted image of the responsible company who cares about their customers.
In order to expand revenue sources once again, we would have created EasyVoyages and we have also an idea of creating EasyGym, where customer could freely choose the dates and the period of his subscription, from tomorrow till one year and from 1 day duration till 1 year.
In the conventional methods of yield management, the company start to sell the products at a certain price, then lower if it isn’t selling fast enough, and rapidly high the price in the peak seasons or when the fixed costs are covered. Stelios did completely the opposite with Easy products. He starts the price with low headline price that grabs attention, and then raise it according to the demand. But the customer doesn’t know how high it will go, or how quickly.
EasyCruise works on the basis of other Easy Companies. It sails on different destinations now, and targets independently minded travelers at the age 20-40s. So the age of travelers differ a lot, because normally these are more aged people. This is due to the fact that Easy Cruise stays up to the morning at each port, so passengers can really enjoy the nightlife at each port. This repeats every night. Plus passenger can get up and get down whenever they want, with 2 nights minimum and 14 nights maximum on the board, so they are free to choose how long they want to cruise.
The itineraries are designed so that you can take a weekend, short break or a week away at any time of the year. Ships are designed in Easy “Orange” way. There is no spa pool, but there is a small gym. The design is rather simplistic. There are no windows
Prices are based on availability; early bookers got cabins lower price. The cleaning, food excursions, and other services are not included, but can be purchased separately.
Easy Cruise has touched younger generation, made Cruises more available, and appealed to people who have not previously considered of taking a cruise in their life. The cruise industry has become mass-market, it has democratized. This is become fast growing industry sector.
At the same time there is a growing protest from ecologically minded people.
The young adults seem to be interested by this offer. It’s getting popular. And people are switching from other means of transportation to take a cruise that has become as accessible as any other way of traveling. Cruising has become another sort of traveling package.
This work was done in cooperation with Vishnevetskaya Alina. We were working together whole the week-end on other projects, so we have done this together too.
Please see the screen shot on Alina's page as we had problems in downloading images.
1. Easy Group founded was by Stellios, Greek businessman. His first brand was EasyJet, cheap flights. Then he expanded into other industries: cruises, cars, buses, pizzas, internet café, cinemas…etc, based on the same low-cost concept, making the products no-frill, cheap, available for the masses. In other business the customers are being ripped off. ‘It’s about value for the many, not the few’. Easy companies are based on the principles of the yield management, where customer pays less the further in advance they buy. Wikipedia gives the links to all the brands. We have also used the links that gives Wikipedia to the articles and the last year’s article “There could be a fight”
2. Customers can save their money and get the products that were before unaffordable for some of them. It gives more choice, some of them just don’t need the additional frills to the services, and they prefer to economize. It gives them the value, they feel respected and understood. As Stellios uses the same services, they don’t feel like the company is above them. In general he lowers the prices of the industries.
Suppliers benefit from the success of the company and increase their turnover.
Partners see more possibilities in developing their business and use the name of Easy to attract the customers. The number of customers increases and they can reach other social levels of people than they are used to.
For the owner of the business the comprehensive low-cost structure and internet booking helps to develop the business and assures the healthy profit margins. The company is one of a kind it’s a leader in low-cost sector and can compete with the real industry giants and conduct the price wars. They challenge the price elasticity.
3. Easy Group customers is the mass market, they are price-sensitive. They prefer to buy in advance to pay less. They are not concerned by the frills of the product, what they need is just the core product, no additional fees.
4. Having the low-cost structure plus increasing the volume of sales by proposing low prices helps in generating the healthy profit. The planes are fully booked, the pizza oven are operational over 50 percent of the time, and so on. They have less expenditure in staff and distribution as they sell generally online, product is really basic. The scandal makes the buzz, quite often contributes to good image, so promotional costs are reduced too.
5. In the airline business there are more and more direct competitors, amongst them:
Sky Europe
6. To ensure the low-cost structure the most of the business should be on the Net.
7. We think that in the middle term the model will be of a success, for the moment it’s the turnover is increasing. This is true for some industries, like airline, busses, cruises, cars. For new industries where Easy Group enter even Stelios is not really sure which one will work out.
8. If we owned the business we would have create more of the partnerships. We would have proposed a package of services like Easy Jet+Hotel+Car and create like Easy Voyage. We would have also promoted image of the responsible company who cares about their customers.
In order to expand revenue sources once again, we would have created EasyVoyages and we have also an idea of creating EasyGym, where customer could freely choose the dates and the period of his subscription, from tomorrow till one year and from 1 day duration till 1 year.
In the conventional methods of yield management, the company start to sell the products at a certain price, then lower if it isn’t selling fast enough, and rapidly high the price in the peak seasons or when the fixed costs are covered. Stelios did completely the opposite with Easy products. He starts the price with low headline price that grabs attention, and then raise it according to the demand. But the customer doesn’t know how high it will go, or how quickly.
EasyCruise works on the basis of other Easy Companies. It sails on different destinations now, and targets independently minded travelers at the age 20-40s. So the age of travelers differ a lot, because normally these are more aged people. This is due to the fact that Easy Cruise stays up to the morning at each port, so passengers can really enjoy the nightlife at each port. This repeats every night. Plus passenger can get up and get down whenever they want, with 2 nights minimum and 14 nights maximum on the board, so they are free to choose how long they want to cruise.
The itineraries are designed so that you can take a weekend, short break or a week away at any time of the year. Ships are designed in Easy “Orange” way. There is no spa pool, but there is a small gym. The design is rather simplistic. There are no windows
Prices are based on availability; early bookers got cabins lower price. The cleaning, food excursions, and other services are not included, but can be purchased separately.
Easy Cruise has touched younger generation, made Cruises more available, and appealed to people who have not previously considered of taking a cruise in their life. The cruise industry has become mass-market, it has democratized. This is become fast growing industry sector.
At the same time there is a growing protest from ecologically minded people.
The young adults seem to be interested by this offer. It’s getting popular. And people are switching from other means of transportation to take a cruise that has become as accessible as any other way of traveling. Cruising has become another sort of traveling package.
Sunday, January 06, 2008
The freemium concept
The word Freemium was proposed by Jarid Lukin from Alacra.
It relates to a business model which offers basic services for free while charging a premium for advanced or special features.
This method makes it possible to draw the attention of the consumers and by the way makes more profit due to the growing of the business.
The goal is to become an intermediary between businesses and users.
The two online businesses utilizing freemium business model are :
The advantages of this business is that people are more attracted by it than other business because it's free and later they can make the business growing by buying more, consumers always like free services and it's the best way to keep them.
Another advantage is the word of mouth because more it's free more it's known so it generates more customers.
Whereas the disadvantages coud be an uncertainly on the volume of the purchases and the risk that people would only take profit by the free nature of the services and noting else.
It relates to a business model which offers basic services for free while charging a premium for advanced or special features.
This method makes it possible to draw the attention of the consumers and by the way makes more profit due to the growing of the business.
The goal is to become an intermediary between businesses and users.
The two online businesses utilizing freemium business model are :
The advantages of this business is that people are more attracted by it than other business because it's free and later they can make the business growing by buying more, consumers always like free services and it's the best way to keep them.
Another advantage is the word of mouth because more it's free more it's known so it generates more customers.
Whereas the disadvantages coud be an uncertainly on the volume of the purchases and the risk that people would only take profit by the free nature of the services and noting else.